01 September 2010

Last First day of School

Here we are again. Sitting in the kitchen at the table, Mom's got the bible, we're reading and reciting and singing the end of the prayer. Yep, school's started again. However, it is a bittersweet beginning because it's also the end. This is probably the last first day of school that we'll have in this house. It's also my last first day of school with the rest of the family. This year, it's just Mom, Betty, Grabo and I; next year, it'll just be Mom, Betty and Grabo.

Some things will never change though. I'm sure that we'll continue to sing the Fruit song when we're all together again. I bet Joseph will still get up in the middle of Bible, as always (no offense, Joe; it was just funny). I'm positive that Daniel and Grace will continue to try to beat each other at Romans 10:9-10. And I know for certain that each one of us will be welcome to join in when we're home for breaks.

So here's to the beginning of the end of the beginning. (And here's to anyone who understood that sentence.)


  1. did someone remove my comment? I posted last night something about "here's to Renee who got a BBBBBBBBBB-" But, it's not showing up today. :-(

  2. oh, and Neesie- I don't think the house is going to sell, so there will be a few more first days. We just won't have you there with us. sniff.


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