25 March 2011

Family Memos

I don't know about anyone else, but I've been missing a lot of memos lately. There was the one about Daniel coming over today instead of tomorrow... which turned out to be a rumor that Betty started... until Daniel decided to make it official. Then there was the memo about Jessica and Eileen coming over today... which turned out to be half-rumor, half-truth. And there's the memo about dinner with Busia being moved to Saturday instead of Friday... There was even one about the sky turning orange with purple polka-dots every time there's a full moon. That one was definitely not rumor... although, come to think of it, there was just a full moon a couple days ago... hmmm. Anyway, I know bad communication is something family's do, but this is getting ridiculous. We need to use all this fancy technology of ours to create a better system for disseminating information, especially if it's really important like the memo about the sky (it's falling). Maybe we should impose posting memos on Buzz, but Gracie, sorry, Lady Tigger doesn't get Buzz, and I'm not sure about Dad. Maybe we could have them posted to the blog, but I don't think everyone checks it enough. Any ideas?


  1. Renee,
    I guess you didn't get the memo that we are not using this blog anymore?

  2. This is a good idea. Why don't you put this in a memo and send it to the family?


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